Our pleasant and relaxed atmosphere reflects our warm, welcoming and friendly staff. At Cheam Village Dental Studios our aim is to help you to feel relaxed, stress free and calm when you come to visit us. We are a family practice and our principal dentists are a delightful husband and wife team who are passionate about dentistry. We are proud of the work we do and as a result our surgery is a finalist in the 2020 Best Dental Practice of the year awards. The high quality of our service and treatment is what defines us and we strive to be recognised as the go- to dentist in Cheam. We are dedicated to all our patients and will always place your needs and desires first, especially when proposing treatment.

Keeping abreast of progress
Providing the best dental service to our patients requires us to attend regular training in new equipment and techniques, to maintain our skill levels to be the highest possible. This applies to all our staff from reception to dentist as we work as a team. Technology and science are moving forward at such a pace that the latest techniques are producing amazing results. X-rays, 3D scans, wands and lasers allow us to make a more accurate and comprehensive assessment of your condition and to treat you more quickly and with less discomfort.
Dental treatment for all the family
In our quest to promote preventive dentistry we encourage you to bring your children in as early as possible. This allows them to be introduced to sights, smells and sounds of our practice and in this way they will become naturally comfortable in the surroundings. As they grow we can educate them in the correct way to perform the routine, dental-care functions of brushing and flossing. Their regular six-monthly visits will become part of their dental care regime and as they grow into adulthood they should be able to enjoy healthy teeth and gums. During this period as their dentist in Cheam we will develop a relationship that will be beneficial to both of us. It will allow us to be more candid about their dental care should it become lax.
Treatments that we offer
Six-monthly routine visits for the whole family, dental hygiene and treatment of sensitive teeth are all part of our preventive dentistry. Root canals and extractions coupled with emergency treatment all combine to address general dentistry. More complicated procedures like dental implants, bridges and dentures are also performed routinely at our dentist in Cheam. Our specialist team will also attend to orthodontic procedures like braces and Invisalign aligners to straighten your teeth. Having your teeth professionally whitened is a safer option than doing it yourself and together with white fillings and composite bonding we can attend to your cosmetic dentistry needs.
Your smile is our reward
Cheam Village Dental Studios want you to be able to enjoy your teeth and to keep them healthy throughout your lifetime. Our training and skill set is dedicated to ensuring that together we achieve this ambition. Like an artist who admires his painting, so do we take pride and pleasure in admiring our achievement when your face lights up with a happy healthy smile.